This book is a complete guide to paediatric neurology for clinicians.
Beginning with an overview of potential pitfalls in neurological examination of children, the following chapters discuss the diagnosis and management of numerous neurological disorders that may be encountered in daily paediatric practice.
Topics covered include cerebral palsy, Guillan-Barré Syndrome, febrile seizures, muscle disorders, cerebral edema, epilepsy, neurogenic bladder dysfunction and much more.
Each section is presented with an emphasis on the importance of accurate clinical examination, and covers all the latest developments and management strategies.
The comprehensive text is highly illustrated with clinical images and diagrams to enhance learning.
Key Points
Comprehensive guide to paediatric neurology
Covers diagnosis and management of numerous disorders with emphasis on importance of accurate clinical examination
Includes discussion on potential pitfalls in neurological examination of children
Highly illustrated with clinical photographs and diagrams