This is a book written by a man for men, by a father for other potential, virtual or very real fathers who want to become fabdads. Having scrutinised the bookshops, libraries and magazine racks it becomes increasingly evident that there is very little literature available about fatherhood for men. Pregnancy, childbirth and parenting would seem to be an exclusively female preserve and most of everything that is written about the subject is addressed to women. In many cases men are almost snubbed, as if their experience and contribution were any the less than their partners. True, men cannot carry the child or breast-feed but they can do a lot before, during and in between. This book is written from a male perspective. Taking into consideration the way men feel and what they're expected to contribute. Fabdad 2 from walking to talking (and beyond) takes us on from Fabdad A man's guide to fathering, through the minefield that is the toddler years: ISBN 0-86486- 478-7 GB Pounds 9.95