Rhedae, the Visigothic capital of Aquitaine still holds many secrets even to this day. This same terrain, Rennes-le-Chateau, still the hilltop village of mystery, is loth to yield up her treasures. But now that the ancient cipher, extracted from a Poussin painting and artefacts from Pompeii by Bill Kerseys, yields its secrets. Much more the wily Visigoths now reveal in their wonderful system of concealment. Even Leonardo da Vinci employs this same cipher in both the Mona Lisas painted by him. There is much more in these pages. Yet why did the Abbe Sauniere, the Priest of Rennes, insist in linking the 'Royal Treasure' with the ancient cipher for this generation to discover? The investigation of that hoard started in 1972 and has branched out into new dramatic discoveries following a secret cryptic document buried by the controversial priest of Rennes-le-Chateau. The trail leads back into the ancient past, touches base with the Visigoths and lurches forward into the future. Beset with conflicting international interests and dubious secret societies the team members try to resolve the enigmas but are overtaken by events beyond their control.
But hopefully the out will not prove too disastrous but there is yet another secret in hidden caves.