Given the variety of ways in which merchandise is designed and produced for today's dynamic world market, it is essential for merchants to develop and maintain a solid foundation of current apparel knowledge. Changes in the past three decades have profoundly affected the field of retailing. The wealth of data now available, advances in technology for designing and producing apparel, and the changing face of management in retail organizations provide only a few examples. Consumers have become more discerning apparel purchases; and while price is no longer the sole determining factor for a purchase, quality remains high on the list. Technological advances and societal changes fuel the need for up-to-date information and understanding among merchandising and management executives in the retailing industry. Apparel: Concepts and Practical Applications is designed to fill that need by examining the many components involved in becoming knowledgeable about apparel.
The authors have deliberately geared their presentation to be of direct value to undergraduate students as well as seasoned merchants and merchandising executives who may require guidance in selecting and evaluating quality apparel. Features -- Key terms and concepts -- Discussion questions and assignments -- Bibliography, glossary -- Instructor's Guide provides suggestions for planning the course and using the text in the classroom