Updated to incorporate a leadership and management and interprofessional focus.
The first book to address Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) undergraduate competencies, this clearly written text distills the fundamental knowledge and skills required of entry-level nurses in each of the six QSEN domains. The updated second edition features five completely new chapters on implementing quality and safety initiatives from a leadership and management perspective, and state-of-the-art information on quality improvement. New cases-particularly an evolving clinical case study-and real-life examples demonstrate practical application of the book's content.
With contributions from nurses, physicians, pharmacists, librarians, and other health care professionals throughout the U.S. and beyond, the text underscores the interprofessional focus underlying health care practice today. A strong foundation for evidence-based health care pervades the text. Chapters reinforce learning with objectives, opening scenarios, case studies, interviews, critical thinking exercises, photos, tables, key concepts, key terms, clinical discussion points, review activities, NCLEX-style questions, web resources, and additional readings. An accompanying Instructors Guide provides additional questions and PowerPoint slides.
New to the Second Edition:
Increased focus on leadership and management aspects of Quality and Safety
New information on quality improvement
Aligns with contemporary interprofessional approach to health care
Updated information from national and state health care and nursing organizations
An evolving clinical case study presented throughout
Additional cases and real-life examples
Interviews with a myriad of health care professionals such as educators, library scientists, lawyers, psychologists, risk managers, and many more
Five new chapters addressing nurse leadership and high quality care, legal and ethical aspects of quality and safety, delegating and setting priorities, tools of quality improvement, and quality improvement project management
Key Features:
Helps nursing schools to fulfill accreditation standards for quality and safety curricula
Includes objectives, critical thinking exercises, case studies, interviews, NCLEX-style questions, photos, tables, suggested readings, and more in each chapter
Provides instructor package with PowerPoint slides, Q&A, answers for case study and critical thinking exercises, and syllabus guidelines
Useful in QSEN-specific courses or as supplement to courses needing to integrate quality and safety concepts
Highlights QSEN competencies and associated KSAs throughout chapters