Human Nature in Business How to Capitalize Your Every-Day Habits and Characteristics By Fred G. Kelly Illustrated G. P. Putnams Sons New York and London Cbe fmictaftocfeer pre 0 1920 COPYRIGHT, 1020 BY FRED C. KELLY irstnm Stnvt, Philadelphia dryer side in winter - 0 rr - s Me in sununer THE AVERAGE MAN FOREWORD The author is indebted to The Saturday Even ing Post, The American Magazine, McClures Mag azine, and other publications for permission to reprint in this book matter that originally ap peared in magazine form. He is indebted also, for valuable information and suggestions, to Jay Lee Cross and John O. Sproul, of Cleveland, Ohio officials of the United Cigar Stores Company Louis K. Liggett, and various others. CHEVY CHASE, MARYLAND. CONTENTS HAPTER PACE I. THE LAW OF AVERAGES . . I II. THE LITTLE LAW AT WORK . . 7 III. CASHING IN ON FOOTSTEPS . . 22 IV. CANDY AND SODA .... 30 V. MENS MOODS AT THE LUNCH HOUR 35 VI. FOLLOWING THE CROWD . . 42 VII. STREET CARS AND PEDESTRIANS . 59 VIII. HUMAN ANTS .... 69 IX. HUMAN NATURE AND THE WEATHER 83 X. THE COSTLINESS OF VANITY . . 95 XL HABITS OF THE SHOPPER . .114 XII. INGENUITY IN SALESMANSHIP . 130 XIII. MEETING HUMAN NATURE HALF WAY 143 XIV. To BUY OR NOT TO BUY . . 153 XV. FINDING THE KEYNOTE . . . 164 XVI. APPLYING IMAGINATION . . .182 XVII. TURNING IMAGINATION TO PROFIT . 193 viii Contents CHAPTBR PACK XVIII. HANDLING PEOPLE AT HOTELS . 202 XIX. CAPITALIZING COURTESY . . . 212 XX. HONESTY IN THE AVERAGE MAN . 231 XXI. HUMAN NATURE AT THE CREDIT WINDOW 248 XXII. THE VOICE OF THE AVERAGE MAN . 260 INDEX 269 ILLUSTRATIONS PACK The shady side of a business street usually has nearly 25 per cent, more pedestrians than the sunny side. It isthe cooler side in summer and the dryer side in winter . Frontispiece Rain in the early forenoon hurts business but rain in the afternoon has a tendency to help business ...... 84 A woman is sometimes willing to pay far more for an article of dress than it is worth, solely because of the satisfaction she derives from making other women envious . .100 Many a business enterprise has been wrecked because of the inability of the proprietor to resist clever salesmanship . .162 Jim Williams keynote was food things to eat . . . . . .168 Dishonesty often is due less to temperament than to temptation .... 232 Many men are honest in direct ratio to the dan ger of being caught .... 246 I wouldnt burden myself with paying install ments on so much stuff. This may not be any of my business, but youll thank me for it some day. And they did . . . 356