CONTENTS PAGE ISC CONS IN HISTORY CO MMTSSION . . is PREFAC . E . xi CAPTURB A ND ESCAPE A NARRRTIV O F ARMY A ND PRISOLNIF E. John Axor IfilZogg The Iron Brigade in camp . 1 On the skirmish line . 4 Captured . . 11 En route to Lynchburg . . 13 Arrival at Lynchburg . 21 Treatment at Lynchburg . . 24 At Danville . . 28 Removed to Macon . . 29 Prison pen . . 33 T ilnellin . g . 40 Betrayed . . 43 Prison life . . 49 Xeilroved to Charleston . . 52 Escape from the train, . 58 Prisoners again . . 65 Confined at Charleston . . 71 Another tunnel . 73 In the line of Union fire . . S1 Daily experiences . . S5 A second escape . . 92 Fugitives . 9 1 Two of us missing . . 105 A friend in the dark, . 111 Novel foot-gear, . 116 Evl CAPTURP, AND ESCAPE Interrupting a revival Negro sympathizers . Hunted with hounds . Friendlg. blacks, Difficulties, day by day . A cautious picket, The Home Guard . Among the Georgia Unionists A mountain wedding . Diplomacy . A start for our lines, Ainong comrades . The mystery solved, Again in the field . A belated report PAGE PORTRA O I F T A UTHOR w, hile Colonel of Sixth Wis consin Infantry . . Frontis iece Organized under the provisions of Chapter 298, Laws of 1905, as amended by Chapter 378, Laws of 1907 JAMES 0. DAVIDSON FREDERICK J. TURNER Pro lessor of Aw enca X i story the U ziversity of Wisconsirt REUBEN G. THWAITES Secretary of the State Historical Sonety of Wh co n S in HENRY E. LEGLER Secretary of fhe WiScu zsi L i brary Com nissio CHARLES E. ESTABROOK Hcprcsenting-Depariment of Wisconsin, C P. a zd Army of the Hcpztblic Secretary and Editor, CO ISSIOX T ER H WAITES PREFACE John Azor Kellogg, author of the Grnrnis sions Original Narrative No. 2, was born onthe 16th of March, 1828, at Bethany, in Wayne County, Pennsylvania, the son of Nathan and Sarah Quidor Kellogg. Nathans father was an American soldier in the Revolutionary War he himself a tavern-keeper, stage poprietor, and general contractor. The Kelloggs moved to Wis consin Territory about 1840, settling at Prairie du Chien. Johns early youth was spent in farm work, his education being confined to three winters at a private school. When eighteen years of age, he be gan reading law at first taking a correspondence course with George W. Woodward, later chief justice of Pennsylvania, but completing his studies withS, S. Wilkinson of Prairie du Sac. Mr. Kellogg was cne of the founders of the Republi can Party, being a member of the Madison con vention of September 5, 1855. Admitted to the bar in 1857, in his twenty- ninth year, he opened an office at Mauston. In November, 1 860, he was elected district attorney of Juneau County, but resigned in April, 1 861, to enlist in the Union Army. His earliest rnilita experience was as First Lieutenant of the Lemon weir Minute Men, an organization that became Company K of the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry-his commission being dated May 3. The several companies composing this regiment were mustered into Federal service at Camp Ran dall, in Madison, on the 16th of July, and twelve days later left for the front. On December 18 following, Lieutenant Kellogg was to be Captain of Company I. He served actively with his company until January, 1863 but was then appointed adjutant-general of the famous Iron Brigade of which the Sixth W isconsin was a member, holding that position until the follow ing January, when he returned to duty with his regiment...