Living on the Edge - Innovative Research on Leaving Care and Transitions to Adulthood
Addressing previously neglected groups of care leavers such as unaccompanied migrants, street youth, those leaving residential care, young parents and those with a disability, this book presents cutting-edge research from the Global North and South.
The collection considers the precarity often experienced by many care leavers and features their voices throughout. It makes research relevant to practitioners and policymakers aiming to enable, rather than label, vulnerable groups.
Contributions by: Sue Bond, Ingri-Hanne Brænne Bennwik, Jenna Bollinger, Róisín Farragher, Catherine Flynn, Laura García-Alba, Federica Gullo, Petra Göbbels-Koch, John Horn, Berni Kelly, Philip Mendes, Malose Mokgopha, Wendy Mupaku, Anne-Kirstine Mølholt, June Paul, Jade Purtell, Annie Smith, Marcela Losantos Velasco, Jacinta Waugh