First published in 1894, Kerly is the definitive practitioner text on the law of trade marks and trade names. It provides practitioners with comprehensive analysis of trade mark law in the UK and Europe, through a mix of commentary, case law and legislation. It takes a thematic approach to trade mark law, taking the reader through all aspects of the subject, including classification, registration (UK and European), different types of marks, enforcement, infringement, litigation and remedies. Includes coverage of assignments Goes through licensing, merchandising and franchising Provides detailed analytical commentary on all areas of trade mark law, enabling the best possible advice to be given to clients Gives a truly European perspective as well as a detailed guide to UK trade mark law Explains in detail the implications of the latest cases Looks at mediation and arbitration in the context of trade marks Incorporates recent legislative change such as the Trade Marks (Relative Grounds) Order 2007, the Trade Marks Regulations 2008, the Trade Marks (Earlier Trade Marks) Regulations 2008 and the Community Trade Mark (Amendment) Regulations 2008 The 1st Supplement to the 15th Edition brings this work fully up-to-date. Updates in the new supplement: Chapter 4 is a brand new chapter on the classification of goods and services for trade mark purposes. It analyses the structure and role of the Nice Classification and considers the repercussions of the IP Translator judgment of the CJEU. Chapter 6 highlights recent case law from the General Court regarding CTM procedure and examines in some depth the Commission's proposal to amend the Community Trade Mark Regulation. In particular, the chapter looks critically at some of the proposed changes of terminology and at the proposed requirement to take into account the meaning of trade marks in "foreign" languages at the stage of absolute grounds examination.