Over 850,000 people suffer from dementia in the UK today. A brutally honest story of love, pain and loss.
“I want your balls in a sandwich” were the last intelligible words that Peter Kaye’s wife Bet said to him. Sadly they were delivered with, seemingly, the same degree of venom and hatred that had come to epitomise their last two years together, and sum up the vindictiveness that is so often a result of dementia. This book is about those two years, but is also the fifty year love story that preceded those final years of losing the person you love most. The author explains what it is like being a carer, and of what happens to someone after that role, which has dominated your life for so long, has come to an end.
Peter Kaye’s autobiography of caring for his wife is a story full of the pain that comes with this horrific disease, but it is also a story of love, and humour and the positives in life that he has found from this time.