Jhwh: der Wettergott Hoseas? - Der 'ursprüngliche' Charakter Jhwhs ausgehend vom Hoseabuch
Monotheism in Israel developed over a long period of time. What was the beginning of this development? What kind of God was Yhwh before he became "the one" God? The answers to these questions vary, depending on how one derives the name Yhwh etymologically and how one classifies texts considered to be literary veterans in terms of literary and traditional history. As a rule, poetic texts are almost exclusively used as sources (especially Ri 5, Hab 3, Dtn 33; Ps 68). Szabolcs-Ferencz Kato pursues this question in a different way, namely by examining the subject history of Hosea, a relatively old prophetic book, and working out an archaic profile of God in it. Accordingly, the weather god features of the Baal-Hadad type dominate in Yhwh, which can be interpreted in such a way that Yhwh himself was originally a weather god of this type.