Set amid the imperial extravagances of the American Renaissance to the Roaring Twenties (1890-1935), an era redolent with the well-publicised achievements of such famed designers as Stanford White, Richard Morris Hunt, Carrere & Hastings and John Russell Pope, it astounds one to learn that the one authentic genius among them was a publicity-shy Philadelphian without any kind of social connections whose formal education did not extend beyond the 10th grade. Yet the supremacy of Horace Trumbauer in the field of classically inspired residential design is acknowledged by such diverse voices as art connoisseur Joseph Duveen, modernist icon Phillip Johnson, and author-social critic Aldous Huxley. Originally published in 2002, 'American Splendor: The Residential Architecture of Horace Trumbauer' is the first and only extensive study of this master creator of the American Great House. This revised edition features three new chapters and over 50 new colour photographs.