We are living in a time of evolution in consciousness. There is an awakening of remembrance both individually and as a global collective. Change is here and we are rapidly being ushered back into alignment with universal truths. We are evolving from a space of separation into a space of Oneness. The more you align, accept, and love who you are, the more power and infinite potential that lays dormant within, is awakened. You are more than you body and mind. Give yourself over to the discovery of what is great within you. You are reading these words because you have a knowing that there is something more to life than your current realities presentation. This book is a guide to assist you through the process of change. While the ideas and concepts presented in a structured arranged format give the mind information, the patterns behind and within the writings emits healing frequencies from the Divine realms of Spirit. By reading this book, Love light vibrations entrain you to Loves fullest expression.