On November 4, 2022, a Finnish-Lithuanian history colloquium was organized, the theme of which was War and Society in the Baltic Region. The colloquium discussed the various effects of the war on society in the light of the history of Finland and Lithuania. The temporal focus was the first half of the 20th century, but several presentations also dealt with the post-war aftermath, especially traumas that still extend to the present day. Other central themes were the interweaving of war and diplomacy, preparation for crisis situations, reactions in society caused by the outbreak of war, and official and unofficial commemorations of wars. The scientific articles in this compilation are based on the presentations given at the colloquium.
Kari Alenius & Saulius Kaubrys, Finland and Lithuania in the World Wars: Similar in the War of Independence, but Diverged in World War II; Teodoras Zukas, At the Front Line of the Approaching Battle: Lithuanian Reaction to the Outbreak of the Great War; Vilma Bukaitė, Gaining French Recognition by Overcoming the Stereotype of Communist and German Influence: The Challenges of the Baltic States in Paris in 1918–1919; Kęstutis Kilinskas, Exchange of Information Between Political Police of Lithuania and Finland in Assessing Communist Threat in 1924–1925; Kari Alenius, “The Heroic Struggle of the United Lithuanian People”: Commemoration of the Lithuanian War of Independence in Finland During the Interwar Period; Saulius Kaubrys, Waiting for War? The Fears and Expectations of Lithuanian Society (August 1939); Inga Zakšauskienė, U.S. Political Warfare Active Measures in Soviet Lithuania in Early Cold War Years; Outi Kähäri, Gendered Family Memory of Experienced Governmentality – Ingrian Women Under German (and Finnish) Rule in World War II; Pekka Iivari, Trauma That Was Suppressed: The Soviet Partisan Attacks in Finland in 1941–1944.