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A Complete, Hands-on Guide to Programmable Logic ControllersProgrammable Logic Controllers: Industrial Control offers a thorough introduction to PLC programming with focus on real-world industrial process automation applications. The Siemens S7-1200 PLC hardware configuration and the TIA Portal are used throughout the book. A small, inexpensive training setup illustrates all programming concepts and automation projects presented in the text. Each chapter contains a set of homework questions and concise laboratory design, programming, debugging, or maintenance projects. This practical resource concludes with comprehensive capstone design projects so you can immediately apply your new skills.
Introduction to PLC control systems and automation
Fundamentals of PLC logic programming
Timers and counters programming
Math, move, and comparison instructions
Device configuration and the human-machine interface (HMI)
Process-control design and troubleshooting
Instrumentation and process control
Analog programming and advanced control
Comprehensive case studies
End-of-chapter assignments with odd-numbered solutions available online
Online access to multimedia presentations and interactive PLC simulators