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Master the art of PLC programming and troubleshooting
Program, debug, and maintain high-performance PLC-based control systems using the detailed information contained in this comprehensive guide. Written by a pair of process automation experts, Hands-On PLC Programming with RSLogix™ 500 and LogixPro® lays out cutting-edge programming methods with a strong focus on practical industrial applications. Homework questions and laboratory projects illustrate important points throughout. A start-to-finish capstone design project at the end of the book illustrates real-world uses for the concepts covered.
• Introduction to PLC control systems and automation
• Fundamentals of PLC logic programming
• Timer and counter programming
• Math, move, comparison, and program control instructions
• HMI design and hardware configuration
• Process control design and troubleshooting
• Instrumentation and process control
• Analog programming and advanced control
• Comprehensive case studies