Image Analysis - 14th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2005, Joensuu, Finland, June 19-22, 2005, Proceedings
This proceedings volume collects the scienti?c presentations of the Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA 2005, which was held at the University of Joensuu, Finland, June 19–22, 2005. The conference was the fourteenth in the series of biennial conferences started in 1980. The name of the series re?ects the fact that the conferences are organized in the Nordic (Scandinavian) countries, following the cycle Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Norway. The event itself has always been international in its participants and presentations. Today there are many conferences in the ?elds related to SCIA. In this s- uation our goal is to keep up the reputation for the high quality and friendly environment of SCIA. We hope that participants feel that it’s worth attending the conference. Therefore, both the scienti?c and social program were designed to support the best features of a scienti?c meeting: to get new ideas for research and to have the possibility to exchange thoughts with fellow scientists. To ful?ll the above-mentioned goals, the conference was a single-track event. This meant that a higher percentage of the papers than in earlier SCIAs were presented as posters. We hope that this gave the participants better chances to follow the presentations that they were interested in. SCIA 2005 attracted a record number of submissions: 236 manuscripts. From these, 124 were accepted: 31 oral presentations and 93 poster presentations. This led to an acceptance rate of 53%. The program included also six plenary presentations and three tutorials.