Bobbie Kalman's acclaimed Historic Communities Series provides a close-up view of how people lived more than two hundred years ago. Colorful photos, many taken by Bobbie Kalman herself at restored historic villages across the country, help support the fascinating information. Children will have fun learning about:
-- early homes and the settler community
-- what people wore and the crafts they made
-- how settlers made their living
-- how they spent their leisure time
-- the values, customs, and traditions of the early settlersChildren's Clothing of the 1800s shows readers how children dressed in the 19th century and how the early settlers were masters of recycling by passing clothes down from child to child, darning them, or using them to make other things like rag rugs. Beautiful full-color photos and illustrations show:
-- how both boys and girls dressed at different ages
-- the "breeching" of boys at 3 or 4 years of age
-- the elaborate layers of undergarments worn by young girls
-- clothes for play and fancy fashions of the day