While this story reads like a short police report, Cain and Abel's tragic narrative plays a definitive role in the biblical saga called the great controversy. As we review their story, we might assume that if we had a chance to meet Cain and Abel, just by looking, we could easily determine who was the kind Abel and who was the mean-spirited Cain. Are you sure? Would you be surprised to learn Abel was guilty of viewing Cain from a superficial perspective that gave him a misleading impression of his brother? As we study their lives, it's easy for us to have preconceived ideas because we don't know what was going through Cain's mind until Cain's behavior plainly displays it for all of us to see. It's human to be biased. But that's not God's way of judging! This book dives deeper into the story to reveal God's perspective. I invite you to dive in with me as objectively as possible. Don't prejudge. Be persuaded by biblical evidence-wherever it leads you!