As the effects of such issues as depression, domestic violence, and AIDS continue to impact society, individuals have a greater need for information about their emotional and mental well-being. The growth in the number of mental health studies and in the percentage of Americans who now seek counseling for various mental health conditions has resulted in a proliferation of terminology that may be unfamiliar or incomprehensible to the layperson. This revised edition of The Encyclopedia of Mental Health sorts through the maze of professional jargon to provide incisive, up-to-date definitions of theories, syndromes, symptoms, treatments, and contemporary issues, in language that everyone can understand. The second edition includes more than 1,000 entries describing AIDS, birth control, depression, domestic violence, environmental hazards, holistic medicine, life-change rating scale, nervous habits, performance anxiety, reflexology, St. John's wort, Type A personality, and the workplace. New and expanded coverage includes common terminology and theories; disorders, syndromes, and symptoms; treatment options; pharmacology; profiles of notable individuals in the mental health field; contemporary issues; and appendixes listing related organizations and other resources for further study.