Legality and Community - On the Intellectual Legacy of Philip Selznick
Bridging the fields of sociology, legal and social theory, and moral philosophy, Philip SelznickOs scholarship has inspired countless students and readers. In this volume, twenty-four distinguished scholars explore the enduring significance of SelznickOs work in a variety of social contexts, particularly the search for responsive law and governance, humane institutions, and a sensible balance between freedom and communal life.
Contributions by: Stephen M. Bainbridge, Martha Derthick, Lauren B. Edelman, Patricia Ewick, Malcolm Feely, Lawrence M. Friedman, Hugh Heclo, Martin Krygier, Michael Lacey, David Lieberman, Katherine S. Newman, Philippe Nonet, Kahei Rokumoto, Edward Rubin, Susan S. Silbey, Jerome H. Skolnick, Karol Edward Soltan, Susan Sturm, Gunther Teubner, Tom Tyler, Paul van Seters, Jeremy Waldron