No person in LGBT history created more books on the craft of male and female impersonation than Todd Kachinski Kottmeier, truly the drag historian. The library of resource books, written by thousands of performers around the world, garnered eleven world records and broke ground on topics as widespread as mentoring to the steps to winning a crown. The Official Drag Handbook, The Forum, Crown Me!, Drag Bully, Drag Parents, Drag Stories, Joey Brooks, The Show Must Go On, Best Said Dead, Following Wynter, Dirty Little Secrets, Turn Around Bright Eyes, The Hunt for The Drag Queen Killer and Second Ovation carry his name on the title. The DRAG GUIDE is a two-book set by over 250 performers, divided faintly into book one for Kings, book two for Queens. The name, "Drag," marginally used is the most common phrase accepted by the most amount of entertainers. A term the contributors voted en masse, though the title also uses the softer and more appropriate term of impersonator.