The 2010 European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2010) was dedicated to assessing the state of the art and the state of the practice in model-based engineering. It was the sixth edition in the - ries of conferences previously known under the title "European Conference on Model-DrivenArchitecture-FoundationsandApplications(ECMDA-FA)."The name changere?ects the de facto broadening of the conference scope beyondthe R R MDA initiative of the Object Management Group to cover all major advances related to model-based engineering approaches. These proceedings, like the ones from previous editions in the conference series, will undoubtedly serve as a reference to all who follow model-based engineering theory and practice. The included papers document the steady e- lution of model-based development methods into a mature discipline, with we- established standards, industrial-strength tools, and emerging theoretical fo- dations. They also serve to illustrate that model-based approaches are capable of signi?cantproductivity andquality improvementsrelativeto moretraditional development methods.