Landscape and food - there is hardly a form of tourism that is not oriented towards one or the other (often both). As a result of this close connection, our anthology explores the different facets of these links. Drawing on the concepts of Touristscapes and Foodscapes, an international group of authors provide theoretical considerations as well as overviews of larger spatial units and local and thematic case studies. What the contributions have in common is their focus on a synthetic-landscape view of the topics dealt with, ranging from the investigation of post-socialist material substrates for the development of current touristscapes and foodscapes, to the touristic use of socialist heritage and phenomena of dark tourism, to the development of gastronomic offers and their significance for the construction of identities, but also the staging of places for social media contexts. Contributions from authors, particularly from the fields of geography, economics and sociology, highlight the diversity of perspectives on the rapidly developing research field of landscape, food and tourism.