'We cannot separate the writer from the writing. Nor should we try. Both our writing process and our writing products need to carry our unique signature, a bit of our personality.' - From Writing and Personality How you write - what works for you and what makes sense to you - depends on who you are, your personality, your preferences, your style of thinking and feeling. If you're extraverted and grounded in your senses, your natural writing style will be far different from the person who tends to be introverted and intuitive. Not only that, how you learn to write will be different as well. Here's a book that taps into the natural strengths of your personality and helps you use those strengths in your writing. Whether you're a student, businessperson, or professional writer, this book will help you: engage your natural writing voice; adapt to styles that are less natural; overcome writer's block; and find the right words for communicating effectively, whatever your assignment.