With its specific focus on Asia, this anthology constitutes an excursion into the realm of transversality, or the state of 'postethnicity,' which, the book argues, has come to characterize the global culture of our times. Hwa Yol Jung brings together prominent contemporary thinkers—including Thich Nhat Hanh, Edward Said, and Judith Butler—to address this fundamental and important aspect of comparative political theory. The book is divided into three parts. Part One demythologizes Eurocentrism, deconstructing the privilege of modern Europe as the world's cultural, scientific, religious, and moral capital. Part Two traces the rise of Asian thought and the process of East-West cultural hybridization, while Part Three introduces the concept of the 'global citizen.' Jung's anthology reveals a postmodern multiculturalism whose new philosophical matrix transgresses the existing cultural and intellectual typology to offer new understanding of today's pluralistic world.
Contributions by: Judith Butler, David Campbell, Rey Chow, Fred Dallmayr, Enrique Dussell, Kim Dae Jung, Hwa Yol Jung, Lydia H. Liu, Kishore Mahbubani, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Thich Nhat Hanh, Nishida Kitaro, Bhikhu Parekh, Edward W. Said, Calvin O.Schrag, Watsuji Tetsuro, Tu Weiming, Zhang Longxi