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The first complete guide to stretch knit fabrics.
Knit Knowhow: Stitching Stretch Knit Fabric from Start to Finish, 1e is the first text to explore the unique world of stitching and designing with stretch knit fabric in one complete resource. Stretch knit fabric is now a staple in the fashion marketplace, used in everything from sweatpants to lingerie to evening wear. Cole presents a comprehensive text that helps students understand stretch knit fabric and how to design, pattern, and stitch stretch knit garments. The text covers everything new students and established designers should know about knit fabrics and helps them translate basic skills into designing and stitching a wide range of stretch knit garments.
Teaching and Learning Experience
This text will provide a better teaching and learning experience—for you and your students. It provides:
- Career-focused coverage: Discussions focus on knowledge and skills essential to successful design careers.
- A ground-up approach: Chapters cover fabric basics first, then proceed through the details of design.
- Effective learning tools and resources: Special chapter resources clarify content and facilitate learning.