Over the past several years, the safety of public drinking water has often been called into question. Is fluoridated water safe to drink? Is there lead or radon in tap water? Should you buy a water softener or other home treatment device? Jim Symons, known as "Dr. Water," offers critical information on such subjects as health, home treatment, quality testing, federal regulation, and consumer information. Written in question-and-answer format, Drinking Water offers straightforward, easy-to-understand answers to many common questions about public water supplies, thus providing a "user-friendly" format for learning vital information about both U.S. and Canadian practices. While concluding that American and Canadian drinking water is indeed safe, this book is candid in pointing out problems where they exist and handing out praise where it is deserved. Drinking Water is an expanded, updated version of the author's 1992 Plain Talk about Drinking Water, published by the American Water Works Association.