The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual - Volume 5
The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual is the leading venue for the critical reassessment of Eliot’s life and work in light of the ongoing publication of his letters, critical volumes of his complete prose, the new edition of his complete poems, and the forthcoming critical edition of his plays. All critical approaches are welcome, as are essays pertaining to any aspect of Eliot’s work as a poet, critic, playwright, or editor.
General Editors: Frances Dickey and Julia E. Daniel
Editorial Advisory Board: Jewel Spears Brooker, Ronald Bush, David E. Chinitz, Robert Crawford, Anthony Cuda, John Haffenden, Benjamin Lockerd, Gabrielle McIntire, John D. Morgenstern, Jahan Ramazani, Christopher Ricks, Ronald Schuchard, Vincent Sherry, Jayme Stayer, John Whittier-Ferguson