Nothing says Christmas like innocent children shrieking with terror as a hulking red stranger drags them onto his lap. For many kids, a frightening visit with Santa is a rite of passage. And luckily, our loved ones have captured those precious Christmas moments on film to taunt us for years to come. Denise Joyce and Nancy Watkins, editors of the Chicago Tribune's weekly Q section, have picked up a few insights among their archives. Did you know that twin boys are much more likely to cry than twin girls? Or, that if you put an infant in a cheery Santa hat, you are almost guaranteed high-decibel wails? Or, that there are Santas who look so creepy that you wouldn't want to sit on their laps - even if you were promised exactly what you asked for? With over 250 never-before-seen reader - submitted photos - from 60-year-old heirlooms to last year's howlers - and priceless commentary, this delightful stocking stuffer is guaranteed to make you laugh.