Multiple Sclerosis: Current Status and Strategies for the Future identifies promising areas of multiple sclerosis (MS) research based on a strategic analysis of the current state of knowledge. The report was written by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee on MS Research Strategies, and on April 2001, the Committee held a workshop to advance research recommended by the report. The specific goals of the workshop were to disseminate information about the report, foster collaboration, and serve as a launch pad for implementation of the report's recommendations.
Summary of a Workshop on Research in Multiple Sclerosis, April5-6,2001 presents the reports from each breakout group and summarizes the plenary session discussion. This workshop summary contains particular viewpoints attributed to individual participants or to groups of participants (including breakout groups), but does not contain statements about what "the workshop" or "all its participants" concluded.
Table of Contents
Front Matter
1. Introduction
2. Strategies for Future Research on Disease Mechanisms
3. Strategies for Future Research on Disease Management
4. Building and Supporting the Research Enterprise
5. Closing Remarks
Appendix A: List of Report Recommendations
Appendix B: IOM Committee Members and Staff
Appendix C: Workshop Agenda
Appendix D: Meeting Participants