Korvaava tuote: 9780205573172 The first text in the field to be written following the end of the Cold War, Goldstein's International Relations evenly balances security and economic issues. It also distinguishes itself from the competition through its strong coverage of alternative theoretical perspectives, the environment, and women. The book integrates technology seamlessly with marginal icons linking to additional online content such as video clips, interactive simulations, and practice tests. The Updated Seventh Edition offers a brand new feature — “Careers in IR”–that will help students apply their study of international relations to their own career plans, as well as key updates on ever-changing topics such as the war in Iraq, Iran’s nuclear weapons program, Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza strip, Palestinian and Israeli elections, Islamic radicalism in Europe, possible bird flu pandemics and rising AIDS infections, China on the rise, the election of the first woman president in Africa, and more. Lauded for its commitment to currency, lively writing style, colorful photo program, and abundance of examples, International Relations has long been a favorite of both students and instructors because it makes the rich complexity of international politics accessible and exciting