The nominal case forms disappeared from the Scandinavian languages long ago. Instead, the function of the case forms is represented by word order. Only the pronouns still have all case distinctions. Traditionally the case forms of the personal pronouns have been regarded as a remnant of the original case forms. This book, however, presents a different view. Drawing on structural, semantic and pragmatic approaches the author shows that the personal pronouns form a system which is, to some extent, structured in quite a different way. The author examines this system and illustrates with the help of many examples that the personal pronouns show a strong tendency under certain conditions to drop or change the function of specific inflectional forms. This tendency, however, is strongest in connection with dialects and sociolects. In his study the author puts a special emphasis on the Danish language, but he also draws on examples taken from the Norwegian, Swedish and Fenno-Swedish languages. This book should appeal to all who have an interest in linguistics.