Ask anyone who knows about music and they'll tell you: without Steve Jones, punk rock would not exist. This is not hyperbole. The prototypical street-urchin-turned-Sex-Pistols-guitarist was the inspiration for and creator of the punk movement, which started shaking the culture in late 1970s London and is just as strong today. Lonely Boy presents never-before-told stories of an abused boy who was neglected by his mother and stepfather and abandoned by his biological father. It chronicles the petty crime and anger of his youth, which fueled the musical onslaught to come, the meteoric rise of the Pistols, the role of impresario Malcolm McLaren, and how a band with one album defined a generation and changed history. Lonely Boy educates people on where it all started, straight from the guy who inspired the whole scene.
Foreword by: Chrissie Hynde