Through the eyes of two parrots, the reader sees the unraveling of two worlds. Yellow Streak must survive planet wide devastation by a comet impact at the end of the age of dinosaurs and witness their demise. She perseveres and overcomes many hardships to flourish in her ancient world and ultimately become the genetic Eve for all modern parrot species. Angel is born into an equally frightening world populated by humans. She must adapt to this alien world filled with unpredictability. She reaches out to two people, bringing them together, sharing with them her companionship and love. Yellow Streak and Angel are inextricably linked. Within their abbreviated life spans, they confront many similar challenges and must suffer through the dangerous periods- one from a radically altered environment, the other at the hands of human abuse and neglect. Readers will discover The Awakening to be an emotional roller coaster filled with realism- a dark, somber journey in which hope, inspiration, and love ultimately triumph.