Lesson support, extensive audio and ready-to-run activities to make the most of the Student Book in your classroom and develop independent, culturally aware students of German ready for the exam.- Develop students' ability to use German effectively- Stretch and challenge students to achieve their best grades- Ensure the progression required for further study at A-level or equivalent- Provide insight and encourage a positive attitude towards other culturesSupporting the brand-new Student Book this resource provides up-to-date content following a clear sequencing of topics designed specifically for teaching German at this level. Written by experienced teachers it provides a clear overview of the function and focus of each chapter and comprehensive answers to all exercises, leaving more time for your teaching. Contents include: - Three audio-CDs of over 80 highly engaging recordings linked directly with the Student Book - Full transcripts of all the recordings in Word- Clear guidance on using the tasks and activities in the Student Book to develop examination skills - Cultural PowerPoints designed to integrate topics on German-speaking countries for whole-class use- Interactive grammar quizzes for every chapter in the Student Book - Easy-to-use VLE-pack of all materials provided on accompanying CD Written for both the Edexcel International GCSE German and Level 1/2 Certificate in German with accompanying resources:- Student Book (ISBN 9781471833069) - Grammar Workbook (ISBN 9781471833151)