1932. This book, an introductory study as the title shows, has been compiled to meet a special need in India. It was undertaken, in the first instance, in response to a request of a subcommittee of the National Christian Council. Contents Section I. The Rise and Expansion of Islam: Arabia and Its People; Muhammad; The First Four Khalifas (Caliphs); The Subsequent Expansion of Islam. Section II. The Foundations of Islam: The Four Foundations; The Traditions-Sunna; Muslim Canon Law. Section III. The Faith and Practice of Islam: The Creed; Religious Duties; Muslim High Days; The Sects of Islam; Sufism; The Mystic Path and Religious Orders. Section IV. Islam in the Modern World: Islam in the Near East; Islam in India Since the Tenth Century; Islam in India Since the Tenth Century; Reform Movements in India; The New Apologetic. Section V. Christianity and Islam: Christianity and Islam in India Since the Sixteenth Century; Sources of Strength in Islam; The Inadequacy of Islam; Christian Doctrines in the Light of Muslim Prejudice; The New Polemic; A Candid Inquiry into our Methods; and Our Supreme Task.