As the estranged nephew of a high-ranking Nazi official, a young German student offers himself to the Americans as an informant against the Third Reich, but is inexplicably turned away. Using his uncle to elevate himself to a level of prominence, Ehren Kregor attracts the attention of the Americans, but is held at bay until the onset of the Cold War. Convinced by the CIA that he can help rebuild his nation, Ehren agrees to live and work in the Soviet sector of a divided Berlin. However, it is not long after he leaves the safety of the West when he and his wife discover that they are being used as pawns in a political game. Severing all ties to the Americans, Ehren reluctantly submits to the regimented and dispirited life dictated by the Soviets for nearly two decades. However, when his own son begins to question "life behind The Wall," Ehren decides to escape with his family from the only home they've ever matter what the cost.