This volume brings together some of Europe's key government officials, industry leaders, and lawyers, who have shaped public and industrial opinion and whose day-to-day business now involves ensuring that the Renewable Energy Directive (Directive 2009/28/EC) is implemented effectively. They are examining the main issues facing the EU's fast changing renewable markets; outlining the main challenges for the future, and providing possible answers; and how some of the key practical issues, raised by the directive could, should, and will be resolved.
A zero carbon energy policy for Europe: the only viable solution.
Renewable energy 2020 and beyond: delivering on the EU targets, and moving towards a low carbon energy future.
Re-engineering the European Transmission grid.
The new EU Directive on renewable energies from the perspective of a member state.
The global context and challenges for energy.
The effectiveness of different support schemes in a single energy market.
Biofuels: fighting climate change and famine in the world.
Cogeneration under the EU Emission Trading Scheme.