EMS providers need to thoroughly understand how the human body functions in its normal state so they can recognize problems and clearly communicate those problems to patients. A solid foundation in anatomy and physiology will help your students become superior clinicians, and Mosby's Human Anatomy through Dissection Series for EMS: Limb Anatomy DVD will help create this foundation.
Through the use of dissection, this DVD makes human anatomy relevant and understandable for your students and offers:
* Videos include line art, animations, x-rays, and CT scans to reinforce anatomy concepts.
* Dissections of both a male and a female cadaver show organs and systems of the body in vivid detail to help students understand their relationship to EMS education.
* Drawings, animations, x-rays, and CT scans of body structures and systems show important landmarks to help students easily locate internal structures.
* Detailed and insightful commentary from expert educators that explains the dissection process relating human anatomy to prehospital care.