For over 100 years, the British Academy has published Biographical Memoirs - extended obituaries - of its deceased Fellows. Collectively these memoirs make up a chapter in the intellectual history of Britain, and are used as a source by biographers and historians. These memoirs have previously been published annually within the Proceedings of the British Academy, most recently as separate volumes within the series. New Biographical Memoirs will now be made available online by the British Academy as an open-access resource; but they will still also be published in an annual hardback volume, though no longer in the Proceedings series.
This latest annual volume celebrates the lives of 24 scholars: Raymond Allchin, Carmen Blacker, Ian Brownlie, John Burrow, Pierre Chaplais, Kenneth Dover, Philippa Foot, Norman Gash, John Gould, Margaret Gowing, John Griffith, Rupert Hall, Marie Boas Hall, Ian Jack, George Kane, Neil MacCormick, Robert Markus, John North, Roy Porter, Tony Quinton, Geoffrey Rickman, Brian Simpson, Robert (Robin) Wilson, Robert Woods.