The complex issues associated with developing and managing electronic collections deserve special treatment, and library collection authority Peggy Johnson rises to the challenge with a book sure to become a benchmark for excellence. Providing comprehensive coverage of key issues and decision points, she offers advice on best practices for developing and managing these important resources for libraries of all types and sizes. With an emphasis on practical solutions that will provide effective and timely access to online resources for library users, she presents an in-depth look at The fundamentals of electronic resource planning, selection, and evaluation The evolving world of acquisition options, licenses, and contracts Fostering and maintaining positive relationships with vendors and publishers Budgeting and financial considerations, with guidance on how to collaborate across library organizational lines to acquire and manage e-content more efficiently Tips, informational sidebars, and suggested reading lists accompany each chapter, and an extensive glossary defines essential terms and concepts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the Author Peggy Johnson began her library career as a music cataloger and has been a children's librarian in a public library, and serials cataloger, technical services head, and a senior collection development officer in academic libraries. In 2002, she served as interim university librarian at the University of Minnesota. Johnson has consulted on library development in Uganda, Rwanda, Morocco, and China. She is a frequent speaker and consultant on collection development and management and on change in libraries, two areas of particular interest. She edits the journal Technicalities: Information Forum for the Library Services Practitioner, has published numerous papers, and written and edited several books.