'My dad makes awesome boats' is a story book for primary aged children. The story is about two friends, Oscar and Samuel. Oscar's dad has a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. It creates an opportunity to talk with children about the symptoms of MS as well as other aspects of friendship like competition, strengths and weaknesses and talking to each other. It includes a question on each page, eg, 'what do you like doing with your dad' and 'what makes you feel sad' to help discussion about all aspects of living with a relative with multiple sclerosis. It includes activity pages, a relevant word search, spot the difference and drawing pages that allow children to have fun as they talk about what is happening in their lives. The book will be useful for families, therapists, health professionals and teachers to use with children who have a relative with MS or with all children to raise awareness of a common health diagnosis as another example of diversity. "This book is excellent, it will help families as it is talking about very routine things that children understand. This will be a fantastic resource for children, teachers and health professionals". (Katrina Orchard MS specialist nurse).