La Frontera Publishing presents Outlaws and Lawmen, a collection of the latest fictional short stories about the Old West from America’s newest Western writers. Sit back and enjoy great short story fiction from today’s storytellers, the authors who may become tomorrow’s Western literature giants, with an introduction from award-winning Western author Johnny Boggs.
Cattle rustlers, claim jumpers, bank robbers, card sharks, brutes, thieves, and those who would kill you just as soon as look at you. America’s West saw it all, and many a frontier boom town grew faster than the law could keep a handle on it. But there were men who would try, the men who pinned on a badge and brought justice to a Wild West.
Stories of the struggle between good and evil became the West’s legends. Names such as Butch Cassidy, John Wesley Hardin, Jesse James, Billy the Kid, and others such as Wild Bill Hickok, Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, Pat Garrett—all grew larger than life.
The legends live on, as do those frontier struggles, now told by America’s new Western writers.
Introduction by: Johnny Boggs