The ecclesiastical historian John Strype (1643–1737) published the first volume of his monumental Elizabethan history Annals of the Reformation in 1709. For over two and a half centuries it has remained one of the most important Protestant histories of the period and has been reprinted in numerous editions. Volume 1 Part 2 focuses on the years 1563–1569. It covers the Queen's relationship with the episcopate; the publication of the Bible in Welsh; diplomatic relations with Scotland and France; relations with Rome and English responses to the Council of Trent; the Queen's possible suitors; and religious polemics. An appendix contains a rich selection of primary sources - state papers, official proclamations, royal records, and letters - for the first thirteen years of Elizabeth's reign. Strype's thorough use of primary sources and the enormous scope and detail of his history has ensured its place as an outstanding work of eighteenth-century scholarship.