Private investors need to know how to risk manage their investment portfolios in exactly the same way as the professional investors manage theirs. The experienced private investor will find this book invaluable.
In order to be a successful investor, it is not enough to be able to pick winners. You must be able to protect and enhance your investments and their performance over the long haul. This book will show the investor how to derive vastly improved results and benefits from whatever investment strategy they are following. This is possible by combining such investment strategies with the same equity derivative strategies that professional fund managers use. Armed with this book, a private investor will be able to invest like a professional.
The knowledge of equity derivatives and the techniques explained allows any investor the full advantage of knowing how best to protect the value of an existing investment portfolio. The reader will also learn how to let an investment portfolio track an equity index, how to diversify stock and bond holdings, and how to "lock in" buying or selling prices as well as unrealised profits.
Invest Like a Pro will be a valuable addition to an investor’s arsenal of knowledge on investment. It won't just present a substitute or alternative avenue for investment. If you’re investing in stocks and bonds, do it like a pro.