As the old adage goes, you have to ask the right questions before you can get the right answers. And that's exactly what the Not Your Average Bible Study series helps you do. Rather than spoon-feeding you with individual facts, this study of Malachi coaches you on how to think through the text as a whole. Tested and proven in Bible Study Magazine, it's perfect for group and individual studies alike.
So often we affirm God's love until things go wrong. In anger, anxiety, or pain, we doubt his goodness or involvement in our lives. Like the Israelites of Malachi's day, we cry out, "How have you loved us?" But the words of the prophet Malachi comfort us with God's love, and they challenge us to reciprocate that love--even in dark times. Malachi shows us that we need a savior.
Each section of the guide begins with a concise introduction, providing context for the biblical passage. Next, you'll consider questions designed to prompt your own in-depth study. You'll also find specific prayer suggestions, along with ideas for further research. Experience the joy of discovering biblical insights for yourself--then apply these lessons to your everyday life.
This is not your average Bible study!