A complete library of the hottest, never-before-published underground hack variations
In his highly provocative books, Hack Attacks Revealed (0-471-41624-X) and Hack Attacks Denied (0-471-41625-8), corporate hack master John Chirillo described the tools, techniques, and primary code that hackers use to exploit network security loopholes and then shows specific methods for blocking these attacks. However, now that so many of their standard techniques have been revealed, underground hackers and cyberpunks are again skirting the system, going beyond primary code, and resorting to using complex code variations of old techniques. That's where this book breaks new ground--by providing, for the first time, the most comprehensive compendium of all the complex variations of these techniques, both historical and current, that the hacking underground doesn't want you to see. It offers astounding details on just about every tool used by those who break into corporate networks--information that will go a long way toward helping you close any remaining security gaps. An ideal companion volume to the other "Hack Attacks" books, Hack Attacks Complete:
o Covers hacks from the 1970s all the way to new millennium hacks
o Details every permutation, variation, and category of hacking tools
o Categorizes hacks for easy reference, with such categories as hacking, cracking, phreaking, spying, anarchy and underground spite, and hack/phreak technical library