This engaging collection of primary sources and selected fiction excerpts explores the important events, figures, and themes in European history, from 1900 to the present. 20th Century Europe offers four types of selections:
- Memoirs of individuals who witnessed important historical events
- Excerpts from works of fiction
- Writings of influential figures and theorists
- Significant historical documents
Primary source selections acquaint students with the writings and documents that helped shape 20th century European history, while the fiction selections bring historical events to the level of human life. The selections explore significant themes of this time period–modernization, liberalism, and nationalism, society and culture,the relationship between the individual and society, and the relationship between Europe and the world–enhancing students' understanding of the historical events presented in course.
Both challenging and captivating, 20th Century Europe provides students with a glimpse of the emotions, ideologies, and mindsets that lie behind the facts and figures of history, allowing them to experience the past and to better understand it.