This book provides an accessible introduction to the SPARK programming language.
- Updated 'classic' that covers all of the new features of SPARK, including Object Oriented Programming.
- The only book on the market that covers this important and robust programming language.
- CD-ROM contains the main SPARK tools and additional manuals giving all the information needed to use SPARK in practice.
The SPARK language is aimed at writing reliable software that combines simplicity and rigour within a practical framework. Because of this, many safety-critical, high integrity systems are developed using SPARK.
User Level:
Software engineers, programmers, technical leaders, software managers. Engineering companies in fields such as avionics, railroads, medical instrumentation and automobiles. Academics giving MSc courses in Safety Critical Systems Engineering, System Safety Engineering, Software Engineering.
Author Biography:
John Barnes is a veteran of the computing industry. In 1977 he designed and implemented the RTL/2 programming language and was an original member of the ADA programming language design team. He was founder and MD of Alsys Ltd from 1985 to 1991. Currently self employed, John is the author of 'Programming in ADA' which has sold 150000 copies and been translated into 6 languages.